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Letter to Yash and Maya

· Family
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Dear Yash and Maya,

As your mama, I have explained what the pandemic is about to the best of my ability.

Obviously, Maya doesn’t understand but Yash, you’re a very smart boy and understand that this is a very contagious disease and we have to conduct social distancing.

I am very sorry that you have been missing out on so many of your favourite things, like: seeing family members, playing with your friends at school (although I think you prefer homeschooling), and going to your favourite restaurants on Fridays. I know you have missed out on so many birthday parties and going to the ball pits, and going to the mall and hanging out at Nordstrom cafe. You’re under quarantine and I know it’s hard and you don’t get to have as much fun as you used to. There are hard days and there are meltdowns sometimes, but you’re just kids and shouldn’t have to go through this.

I want to thank you both for not complaining, I want to thank you for being strong and beautiful little humans. Thank you for being my little warriors and letting me learn with you.

Love Mom.